Glossary (list of commonly used terms and abbreviations)

b/o breakout

b/d breakdown

TI65 Trend intensity of 65 days

TI42 trend Intensity of 42 days

DT Double Trouble ( Stocks that doubles can double gain or get in to trouble) . Anchored momentum from 52 week low

MDT Modified Double Trouble ( half year momentum)

TI30 Day trading strategy I use in first 30 minutes based on my TI30 scan in Trade ideas software

Whiskey 800 dollars

Half Whiskey 400$

Case of whiskey 10k profits

Whiskey factory 100k profit for the day

ABC Always be in control

CRT Controlled Risk Taking

SS sell in to strength

FEE Find and enter early

T3A Think 3 days ahead

FADE fade strength or weakness

SGU short the gap up

BGD buy the gap down

CARPET Pull sudden buy or sell programs intraday

KLPD look in to urban Dictionary

TSNS Think setups not stocks

COUGAR buy young trends and not extended trends. Like Madonna does in her dating

PLASTICS Three sectors Healthcare Technology and Consumer Discretionary always produce big winner ) Reference see movie The graduate

5 5 minute chart

NTRT night Time is Right Time

MTRT morning time is right time

A3+ 3 plus analyst raining price target

2LYNCH criteria used for buying b/o

2LYNC criteria for buying anticipation setup

Ants anticipation setup

EP Episodic Pivots Episodic Pivots are significant events in the life of a stock. These are incidents where new information becomes available to market participants and as a result there is re evaluation of current trend or price level. Such new information can launch a rally lasting months or years or reverse a pre existing rally.

MAGNA53 criteria to select good NTRT candidate

4% 4% breakout

$ b/o Dollar b/o

LTB Low threshold breakout

MC Mind Clarity

SA Situational awareness

TI trade ideas software

IB Interactive brokers

TC TC2000 software

BSLO buy stop limit order

MOO market on open order

OPG opening price guarantee order

Mom momentum

Mom Burst Momentum burst

BL boot lickers aka Working people

WP working People

BB Beach Bum Aka full time trader

ANA 3 3 plus analyst price target raises

OLC organize like crazy

FHP Focus on high priced stocks

FR9 focus on recent 9 million breakouts

Ants+++ stocks setting up for possible breakout